Welcome to Kauai County Farm Bureau's website.
Affiliated with the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation and the American Farm Bureau, Kauai County Farm Bureau is a grassroots member based non-profit organization of farming families and friends of farmers united for the purpose of analyzing problems and formulating action to ensure the future of agriculture, promoting the well-being of farming and enhancing the local economy. Please contact us to find out more about Kauai County Farm Bureau and to join us in supporting Kauai farmers.
News & Announcements
2022 Garden Fair - Cancelled
2022 Agricultural & Environmental Awareness Day - Cancelled
2022 Annual Membership Meeting - TBA
Monday Pau Hana Market - Mondays from 3pm - backside of Kukui Grove, across from Costco in Lihue
Download Monday Pau Hana Market Application
Kauai Culinary Market - Wednesdays from 3:30 - 6:00 pm (Poipu)
Download Culinary Market Application
News Archive » -
Contact Us
Address: Box 3895, Lihue, HI 96766
Phone: (808) 855-5429
Email: admin@kauaicountyfarmbureau.org
URL: kauaicountyfarmbureau.org -
When you become a member of Kauai County Farm Bureau, you are also a member of Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation representing counties statewide.
For more about HFBF, as well as membership information and application, please visit hfbf.org. - Legislative Farm Bureau is a way that farmers work together on a local, state and national level to highlight and raise issues that are critical to agriculture. For more information on HFBF legislative priorities and work, please visit hfbf.org.

Kukui Grove Center and CORTEVA
along with the farmers and Kauai Farm Bureau
Thank you for supporting "local"

GoFarm Hawai'i Cucumber Course
GoFarm is coming to the westside! Cukes 101 Registration openGoFarm Hawaii is excited to announce a FREE Cucumber Course starting next month in Waimea. Finally we’re coming to the west side!
The workshop will cover everything from seed to harvest. Whether folks are new to growing cucumbers or looking to fine-tune their practices, Cukes 101 will offer insight.
Here are details:
- ® Register: Online Registration Form
- 💲 Cost: FREE
- 📅 Date: Nov 14-Jan 11
- 🕒 Time: Thursday zooms (5:30-6:30), In-Field Saturday (8:00-noon)
- 📍 Location: Waimea



Jerry's Farm (Jerry Ornellas)

Watchara Farm (Belle and Brandon representing the members of the family).
Save the date and join us as we celebrate National Agriculture Week on March 16, 2024 from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at Kukui Grove Center. See the flyer below for event details.

For those interested in participating in this event, please contact us at admin@kauaicountyfarmbureau.org.
The Kauai County Farm Bureau and the Kauai Grown Program showcased locally grown produce and products at the Ag Day at the Capitol on Feb 8, 2024.

UH-CTAHR provided educational information on Cover Cropping, and GAP practices, and Brian Miyamoto provided information on Agricultural-related legislative issues. There was also a demonstration on Lychee Tree netting to control Rose Ring Parakeets and a walking tour of the Lychee Orchard in bloom.
Members were provided morning coffee by Kauai Roastery and fresh orange juice from Ueunten Farm. At noon, a delicious array of Okinawan foods was provided as a tribute to the past farmers.
Special Mahalo to the Ueunten Ohana for hosting this first membership meeting.
Please keep watching for KCFB/KG updates on the next membership meeting.

Join us for FOUR MONDAYS of the Spirit of Giving at the
Monday Pau Hana Market
Monday, 3pm-5:30pm
Nov. 27th, Dec. 4th, 11th and 18th
Donate a canned food item and receive a coupon to shop at Monday Pau Hana Market. Coupon value $1 while supplies last. Coupon valid the day of receipt.

September 19 2023
Due to rise in COVID cases, KCFB conducted a “no gather” 2023 Annual meeting. 197 “no gather” Annual meeting packets were mailed to voting members on August 30th. One(1) packet was returned Un-deliverable.
Mail-in ballots were received and tallied by Makena Miyake, Inc. 65 ballots were returned postmarked September 15th, making quorum.
58 ballots voted to expand the Board of Directors to 10(ten) members.
Congratulations to Fiscal year 2023-2024 Kauai County Farm Bureau Board of Directors! They were installed virtually, safely distanced over internet by State Executive Director of Hawaii State Farm Bureau on Tuesday, September 19th.
Laurie Ho, President
Jerry Ornellas, Vice President
Gary Ueunten, Secretary
Randy Uyehara, Treasurer
Waylon Brun, Director
Eric Hansen, Director
Sandi Kato-Klutke, Director
Tai-Li Medeiros, Director
James Robinson, Director
Bill Spitz, Director
These volunteers will lead KCFB and Kauai’s agriculture through this coming year.
CONGRATULATIONS to Ambrose Kanahale for being the 1st to get his ballot mailed back and Darren Tamekazu who got the second reward for returning his ballot!

JUNE 17-18, 2023

The Kauai County Farm Bureau (KCFB) is going back to our farming roots, where agriculture and agricultural-interests have sustained our past, our present and the future for our families, our friends, our community and visitors with whom we share Kauai.
The Kauai County Farm Bureau is planning an Agricultural Festival in June, 2023. The 2023 Kaua'i Agricultural Festival celebrates the agricultural diversity of Kaua'i. This fun and educational event provides a place for local farmers, ranchers, and youth groups to showcase their talents and accomplishments. It also offers an opportunity for families and our entire Kauai community to connect with agriculturalists from across our island. By cultivating a better understanding and deeper appreciation of our diverse and unique agricultural sector, the Kauai County Farm Bureau and College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources seek to support farming families, the recovery of agriculture, and the overall sustainability of our island.
To be a partner in this endeavor, any interested agriculture-related parties who would like to participate in this up-coming event, please download the Registration form. Deadline to submit the Registration form is April 8, 2023. Those interested in becoming a sponsor, please email admin@kauaicountyfarmbureau.org for more information.
Kauai County Farm Bureau (KCFB)
Please see linked PDFs for sponsorship invitation and registration form:
Sponsorship Invitation
Sponsorship Form

As part of the 2023 Celebrate Spring and National Agriculture Week celebration on March 25, 2023 at Kukui Grove Center, we will have again the Ugliest Produce Contest. Bring your ugly fruit and/or vegetable between 11:00 am till 12:00 (noon) to the table next to the stage. We will also have an Agricultural Triva game with prizes and giveaways. Come and join us as we celebrate National Agricultural Week and welcome in Spring!


You are invited!
Grove Farm Company and Kauai Farm Bureau
Would like you to attend an informational "talk story" session about the Farm Bill with ourCongresswoman Jill Tokuda

Saturday, February 25, 2023
1 to 3 p.m.
Grove Farm Company Office
3-1850 Kaumualii Highway
Lihue HI 96766
WE will gather around the picnic tables in the covered garage ~ directly behind the main office
(adjacent to the Saturday, Grove Farm Market)
Jill has recently been named to the House Committee on Agriculture and would like to hear from our farming community as to how "federal policy" can move Hawaii's agricultural sector forward. |
QUESTIONS/RSVP please text (808) 855-5429
***Congresswoman would like to know who she will be talking to

Rachael Secretario, Art teacher at Kapaa Elementary School at the Market selling items as part of their fundraising event

Kapaa Middle School Ukulele School Band performing at the Monday Pau Hana Market on December 12th,2022.

2022 2nd Annual KCFB Recipe Contest

2022 Holiday Recipe Contest Application
2021 Winners of the Holiday Contest

Cazpian France - Main dish winner and overall winner - Pineapple fried rice

Ishiwa Baker - Dessert winner & Best use of Kauai Grown ingredients - Ube lemon cheesecake and ginger drink.

Bev Pang - runner up Dessert category - Carrot cake

2022 Holiday Recipe Contest Application

Pumpkins are coming to the Monday Pau Hana Market on October 24th. Free pumpkins one per family.
For those wanting to crave pumpkins, Rachael Secretario, Art Teacher at Kapaa Elementary School, will be demonstrating the techniques of pumpkin carving.

Kauai County Farm Bureau, Kauai Grown Program and Kukui Grove Management would like send a "Mahalo" to the community for voting the Monday Pau Hana Market as the 2021 Best of Kauai.
Also visit the Monday Pau Hana Market in December to shop for locally grown produce and ingredients for holiday meals and enjoy the special events we have planned for each Monday.

Pre-celebration of Small Business Saturday (November 27th) at the Monday Pau Hana Market.
Robbie Melton from Small Business Development Center - Kauai Office.




October 30 2019, Royal Lahaina Resort, Hawaii Farm Bureau (HFB) recognized Valerie Kaneshiro of Kanashiro Farms as Outstanding Active Member. Valerie Kaneshiro has been a strong supporter of the Hawaii Pork Industry and through her research and development providing swine breeding stock suited for Hawaii's climate and conditions. Kaneshiro Farms has provided high quality pork products to the residents of the State of Hawaii for many many years.
Left to right: KCFB President, Johnny Gordines, HFB Executive Director, Brian Miyamoto, KCFB Treasurer Laurie Ho, HFB Honoree Valerie Kaneshiro, and HFB President Randy Cabral
Scholarship Recipients for 2021

Conner “Kekai” Kosen a graduate of Kauai High School received the KCFB's “2021 Farm Family” Scholarship. This award is based upon Conner's volunteering at KCFB-sponsored Farm Fairs and currently helping at the Monday Pau Hana Market since its inception in November, 2020. These KCFB events have demonstrated his support for sustainable Agriculture on Kauai while enabling the community to attend markets during this period of COVID-19 restrictions.
Keali‘imalu “Malu” Ka‘awa, was the recipient of the “2021 Agricultural” Scholarship. Ka‘awa, a graduate of Waimea High School, will be attending the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa studying natural environmental sciences focusing on local food security and sustainability. Keali'imalu has been active with the JROTC, JROTC Raiders Program and participated in various sports.

Kauai Grown In cooperation with the County of Kauai, Kauai Grown is our latest program to brand and market Kauai agricultural products, and recognizes those retailers and restaurants that support our farmers. For more information, visit kauaigrown.org
Support us weekly at these farmers markets:
Kauai Community Market's Annual Holiday Fair! (Cancelled)
Purchase Kauai Grown products at our two weekly farmers markets. More Info »
» Kauai Culinary Market, Wednesdays in Poipu
» Monday Pau Hana Market, 3pm - back side of Kukui Grove, across from Costco. Lihue.

Held every summer for fellowship and information exchange. New members and guests welcome!


KCFB scholarships
Deadline: May 9th, 2022

Download Monday Pau Hana Market Application

Held Wednesday afternoons with a "pau hana" atmosphere, the market features Hawaiian music, a weekly cooking demonstration, baked goods by Living Foods market, and a beer and wine garden by Merriman's.
» Download Culinary Market Application
» Visit kauaicommunitymarket.org for information.